Insane Flirt COACHING
90 Days To Become That Smooth, Captivating Man That Women Want To Be With
(So you can meet, attract, and ride off into the sunset with your soul mate)
Hey brother.
Have you ever been out with a girl, or at a party, or in some situation where you just felt ON?
As in – people you didn’t even know gravitated to you, your vibe was bright and lighthearted, and you were the epicenter of fun?
Most guys have felt this a few rare times over the years. Those magical nights when the stars align, their mood and atmosphere were just right, and everyone in the vicinity just feeds off your positive energy and loves every second of it.
When this is your vibe, almost any woman is attracted to you. And over the past 5 years, I’ve built a dynamic system to not just imitate that type of guy, or memorize his lines or body language… but to authentically become him.
Imagine standing tall.
Speaking deeply and confidently.
You make strong, inviting eye contact, and you lead a conversation that’s honest, thought-provoking, playful, and yes, seductive.
Now I know what you’re thinking….
“But Max, that type of guy is not ME!”
I’m telling you – even if you don’t want to be “the life of the party” and just want to be the life of her party – you can cultivate that attractive, fun, outgoing personality, regardless.
So let me show you how to:
Get out of your own head so you don’t feel anxious or robotic
Avoid being creepy and get her to chase you instead
Finally understand "what to say" to women
Know what to do in each and every dating situation
Organically grow from “guy she met” to boyfriend and beyond
Point is : Let's fix your dating life. OK?

Yes I know, it might be shocking to see those pictures do not look "perfect ".
Unlike a majority of fake marketers, I do not use stock photo images.
They are real women that I met through my system, not paid actresses.
Those are candid photos showing genuine connections, not set-up photoshoots.
Such shots were taken in real-life situations, this is my 'average Saturday'.
You too can naturally attract quality women provided you follow my system.
Unlike most other "dating coaches"
I know what I am talking about.
(Seriously, who else can provide actual proof that they DO get girls nowadays??)
Whatever bad shape you're in now, I promise you I was worse.

This is me, at age 19. A countryside boy completely clueless to dating, and with below-the-ground levels of confidence.
I was in my 20s before I could even talk to a girl.
And I don’t mean “flirt with a girl” or “strike up a conversation with a stranger on the street.”
I mean I couldn’t look a woman who wasn’t my mom in the eyes and say anything.
I'd just freeze. Before quickly running away.
Sure, I fantasized about women plenty.
I remember all those nights in college, when I went to bed thinking about how great my life would be if that one girl from school was my girlfriend.
Heck, how amazing life would be if I even had A girlfriend.
And I'd daydream about this cute, funny, loving partner, while knowing she was still way "out of my league".
At first, I thought the problem was my looks.
So I worked on my fashion style, I got a new haircut, and I started going to the gym.
And guess what.
I ended up being the "handsome shy guy", who STILL couldn't talk to a girl to save his life.
And yet, brick by brick, I grew.
For years I went out almost every single day, during the day and during the night.
(Which is why you can see so many photos of me partying, partying is amazing to practice meeting women!)
I got better over time through raw effort, trial, error, and learning.
Now things are great. Dating, social life, business. I made things all fall into place.
Check out where I went with one of my girlfriends last month:

I swear I'm the one holding the camera.
I just didn't want my face to ruin the view for you.
My point is: you improve your ability to talk to and attract women in the same way you get better at playing the xylophone or mountain climbing: with practice.
Now, both xylophones and mountains are a lot easier to master when you have the helping hand of a coach to help you pinpoint and correct mistakes.
Because you don’t want to reinvent the wheel. That’s just a waste of your time and will frustrate the heck out of you for years (because it certainly did for me).
So let me give you the advice I wish I would have found when I was younger. I’m talking about the direct building blocks to make you a more desirable, sexual, and attractive man in any situation – real life or online, crazy bar scene or casual barbecue, complete stranger or childhood buddy.
The skillset is the same. And I will teach you that skillset.
Getting coached is the
to finally get the girls you always wanted.
Some men can do it by themselves. They can go through the trouble of:
Having no idea what to do and what to say to women.
Waddling through all the bullshit information about dating you can find online.
Breaking out of their shell on their own, while everyone points fingers at them.
Wasting years and years on being rejected, until they 'maybe' find what works.
Going by themselves through the pain of change and self-actualization.
Fighting the pressure of a society that wants you to stay mediocre.
Getting past the fear of approach anxiety, which most men can't on their own.
Figuring out and healing their own trauma and limiting beliefs without help.
Like 95% of all men who try to get a better dating life, give up after a few months.

Doing the same things, over and over, hoping for a different result.
Instead, with my help, here is what the TRANSFORMED YOU will be able to do:
Knowing exactly what to say and what to do, at the right time and in the right way.
Receiving info from me, a guy who slept with over 400+ women all over the world.
Confidently stand above most men, as you will know for a fact how dating works.
Solve dating forever in only 3 months, instead of wasting the best years of your life.
Be helped through the hardships of change and self-actualization.
Being pushed upwards in a reality in which you own your world, not the opposite.
Crushing through approach anxiety, because you will have learned how to.
Figure and pluck out your own limiting beliefs, to realize your full potential.
Actually getting dates, instead of going back to your hopeless previous self.
The value of coaching goes way beyond simply getting more dates.
This will get you to level up your social life as a whole. You will also be able to:
Make small talk, out of thin air, with anyone.
Successfully go out solo, travel solo, while having a blast.
Create friends on-demand, with the kinds of people you really like.
Do business networking properly, and reel people in with your personality.
Win friends, influence people, be a great salesman, and leverage your social circle.

Simply put, I will teach you how to enjoy your BEST life.
The Insane Flirt Method
After literally YEARS of trial and error, I came up with an industry-crushing method.
Which I called the Insane Flirt Method.
Why the name?
Because it does just that: it turns you into an insane flirt.
Unafraid and unapologetic.
A good, solid guy who goes for the quality of life that he wants, without shame.
Fully unleashes your personality, bringing out your authentic, most attractive self.
Makes sure you do not waste time on uninterested girls playing games.
Own the behavior of a true high-value man, it's 'fuck yes' or 'fuck no', no in-betweens.
With it comes the 4 Steps Formula to get interested girls on a date from any app.
Start the conversation by being engaging.
Lead a flirtatious banter.
Push for the idea of a date.
Lock down the logistics of the date.
It's detailed & it's to the point.
So that you don't waste your time thinking about what texts to send.
And you know what?

The same kind of formula applies to girls that you meet in real life.
At a party. At the club. Through friends of friends. On your way to work.
I once met this cute 19yo because we were both buying salmon at the store.
This method is effectively a step-by-step that funnels attractive leads into your life.
So that your only worry becomes meeting more women.
Instead of stressing out what to say and how to behave 24/7.
Simply memorize the steps, and graft them onto your genuine personality.
1on1 Consultation Call To Bust Through Your Sticking Points
If you’re ready to make the change and graduate, get on your first consultation call with me. I will tell you exactly what your current blocks and sticking points are - and how to bust through them.
You’ll learn how to smash the “invisible wall” that makes women intimidating to approach.
You'll learn the exact steps that you need to take when meeting women, to have them feel attracted but also comfortable in meeting you.
You’ll learn my home-brewed strategy to go from first meeting, to first date, to second date, to tenth date and how to navigate all the texting and emotions.
And most importantly… You’ll learn how to not just “be yourself,” but how to be the version of yourself that’s masculine, attractive, and fascinating to women.
Then it’s up to you if you want my help in executing it, because even Olympic athletes have coaches.
This call is 100% free and will take you a step beyond any article, course or book you may have read because it’s open two-way communication.
I will listen to your situation and give you an honest evaluation of your current state, and walk you through the exact steps I would take if I were you based on my years of experience, thousands of interactions, and dozens of men directly coached.
Consider it like exercises. Your ability to attract women is like a muscle. Now as your coach, I want to help you make that muscle grow and become as strong as possible.
Who this is for:
Guys who always felt left out of the dating scene. I know exactly what it feels like to watch the “Chad” type bros effortlessly get the girl while I ran away to my room and tried to forget about everything. But the person you’ve been so far doesn’t have to be who you always are – I’m living proof of that.
Guys who are newly single. So she dumped you… into a sea of beautiful, hungry women. If you’re a little rusty and want to acclimate, let me help you accelerate the process and show you how to succeed in today’s dating world.
Guys who want to take their game from “hit or miss” to consistent.
Guys who want to improve the quality or quantity of women in their lives.
Guys who want to find and be able to keep that diamond-piece girlfriend.
Who this is NOT for:
Comfort zone lovers. “Life is a daring adventure,” goes the famous quote, “or it is nothing at all.” Unfortunately, the technology doesn’t exist yet for me to just take over your body and do the walking and talking for you. I can give you every strategy, tool, and piece of insight in the world, but in the end, it will be on you to execute… even if it’s scary.
Self-haters. Some guys have drilled into their heads that they’re the victims. Unfortunately, this mindset absolves them of any responsibility and makes improvement impossible. To get what you don’t have, you’ll have to humble yourself, look forward and work.
Woman haters. If you only have nice things to say to women but not about women, then you may have to look at the world a bit more through a woman’s eyes before I can help. I don’t want to be a part of something predatory.

But... What is it like to get coached?
Getting a dating coach is not just about learning "tips & tricks".
It's about undergoing a real TRANSFORMATION.
Through weekly video sessions, we bust through your current difficulties.
We go over each and every dating context, one by one.
We pinpoint exactly what holds you down.
I tell you exactly what you need to work on.
We uproot limiting beliefs and insecurities.
You get freakin' answers to the questions you always had.

After each session together you receive:
A full written recap of what we discussed.
The full recording of our call.
Exercises for you to internalize the session and grow.
An action plan moving forward.
Hand-picked book recommendations for you to grow fast.
Relevant video with more actionable advice & examples.
More resources to help your further with spirituality, self-development, business, relationships, and life purpose.

With on-the-go advice you get access to :
My full availability, to make sure you stay consistent.
Video infields of myself going through the exercises.
Real-life screenshots of my own text interactions with girls.
Feedback on your interactions.
Support and guidance to push you through difficult times.
Answers to your burning dating questions.
Follow-up help on the previous session so it all makes sense in the long run.

And one more thing!!
One of the main components to success here is having FUN. I am not a drill sergeant and women can sense if you’re uncomfortable with insane accuracy.
The first thing we’re going to do is clear out all your mental garbage so we can get a baseline and start fresh. So if you have anxiety, negative self-talk, or just prior baggage, get ready to do some spring cleaning so you can finally enjoy just relaxing with a woman (or women) and building a genuine relationship, completely organically.
For most guys, it’s not about memorizing new “tricks” or anything like that. It’s about forgetting bad habits and just learning how to BE.