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How to Know if She's Interested?

Wouldn't it be nice if there was a simple way to know if a girl is into you?

So that you:

  • Don't risk rejection

  • Don't make a social faux-pas

  • Save face and make nobody uncomfortable

Because obviously a woman who is into a man will act differently. It's all about noticing what needs to be noticed.

In this article I will explain to you thoroughly what to look for to make 100% sure whether a woman you're talking to is into you or not.

Signs that a woman is interested in a man.

Let's roll.

Should You Be Looking for Signs?

Let's start simple, because in this article I am about to subvert your expectations. :)

Are there signs that a woman is interested? Yes.

Look at Where her Attention Goes

People tend to direct their attention to 2 things: value and threats. So provided you're not a threat to her (and you should never be), whenever she notices you it's a positive.

We go deeper on that topic in other articles but to generate the necessary attraction and comfort between a man and a woman you need to have her experience you.

And she can't experience you if her attention is not on you.

So generally speaking, whenever she directs her attention towards you, it's a good sign.

But it's not enough.

Beware of the False Signs

I'm writing this blog post after reading a bunch of articles on the topic which shared things such as:

  • "Look at where she's pointing her feet"

  • "Look at how she's twirling her hair"

  • "Notice how she touches you" and so on

I'm sure you had this happen before: you thought she liked you because you noticed "signs" but she was just a very friendly girl.

And what about bartenders and such who are supposed to be friendly with customers?

Those "signs" are either unreliable, or absolutely useless as the cues are really obvious.

Such as "she likes your social media posts" or "she asks you out" like... duh? You think she is into me if she wants to go out with me? Who would have guessed .........

No. Here we are serious about this. We want to find real, consistent solutions.

So let's talk about what really matters in recognizing whether a girl is into you.

Hot Girls Don't Show Signs

My main gripe with this is that very attractive women rarely show obvious signs of interest.

The most feminine women will be very stoic around you, even if they are super horny and dying to get naked with you.

You must understand that as a very attractive woman, you get a lot of attention. And anything you do has more weight as a result.

While it's not a big deal if the average girl is ostensibly all head over heels for a guy in the friends group, if it's the hot girl of the group who shows obvious signs of interest, every single man in a 10km radius will take it as a sign that he can take his shot too.

I call this the "blood in the water" effect.

You ever noticed how attractive girls in the club appear super impressive only until some other guy successfully approaches them and all of a sudden approaching them seems simpler?

Anyway, back on topic ...

Focus on the REAL Signal of Interest

Remember the "signs" I mentioned earlier?

Things such as:

  • "She asks you personal questions"

  • "She looks at you and smiles"

  • "She turns her body towards you"

  • "She plays with her hair"

  • "She touches you when she speaks with you"

Etc, etc.

The truth is that these "signs" are not signs most of the time as they are extremely unreliable.

Girls do these when they like a guy, but they also do these for a million other reasons.

What if she just wants to pee? What if her shoes hurt her feet? What if she's just naturally touchy? What if she's afraid of men and touches her hair to reassure herself?

Keep Exceptions in Mind

Some girls are awkward and don't know how to flirt. Some girls have big egos and refuse to show signs of interest even if they are dying to get in bed with you.

There are always unexpected exceptions - keep that in mind.

If you only look at the signs, you just can't know.

Lucky for you, there is an equalizer.

There is a surefire way to 100% know whether a girl is into you.

Without fail, 10 out of 10 times.

Lead to the Outcome that You Want

From now on you need to only look for 1 single thing:

You need to look for her compliance.

When you ask her to come and sit with you, does she say yes or no?

When you ask her to tell you about her day, does she do it or no?

When you ask for her phone number, does she give it to you or no?

When you ask her out, does she show up or no?

When you go for the kiss, does she lean in or away?

The only sure sign you will ever have (or need for that matter) is her compliance.

When you are leading to the outcome that you want, does she play along or try to exit the situation?

Of course when you look for her compliance she may she yes, but she may also say no.

You Must Risk Rejection

Yes I understand that you want to avoid getting rejected and you don't like when girls say no to you.

But that's kind of the point here:

Risking rejection IS the only 100% fool proof way to know whether or not a woman is into you.

If that makes you uncomfortable, you should not try to avoid rejection.

Instead you should look inside of yourself and reflect on why you try so hard to avoid rejection.

Because be sure of one thing:

Women respect a man who shoots his shot and gets rejected WAY MORE than a man who tries to be sly about it.

She will not be uncomfortable if you try to go for the kiss, she gives you the cheek and you guys both laugh about it and move on.

(This will actually increase her level of attraction for you.)

But on the other hand she will be uncomfortable if you try various convoluted ways to figure out whether you are allowed to go for the kiss.

Because trying to hide your true intentions is literally the definition of being creepy.

Bottom line: looking for sneaky ways to know whether or not a woman likes you and whether or not you can try your shot is creepy.

The better way to go about this is to be the one to allow yourself to try your shot, and be okay with the outcome, whether it's a win or a rejection.

There are Always Exceptions ....

You know what's funny? This goes even deeper, as sometimes hot girls will not comply with the way you lead your interactions to something more intimate while they actually want it, and you will have to persist over multiple instances.

But that's a more advanced topic that we explore in the VIP Mastermind group, you can look into it here if you're curious.

That said, the few paragraphs above will give you a sure fire way to know whether or not a girl likes you in 99% of your social interactions.

Compliance is All you Need

So I know you probably expected an article like "the top 10 signs she's into you" with a nice bullet points list, but the truth is that this is just not realistic.

There are too many random factors that come into play to look for specific behaviors.

On the other hand, if you move your interactions forward with her and lead towards more and more intimate situations, she will need to say yes or no.

She will need to comply or show disinterest.

You kind of put her in a situation where she must tell you with her behavior whether or not she's into you. And that is the only sign you will need.

Trust me, I used to overthink this big time.

I used to try and analyze all the small things a girl would do around me just because I was too afraid of what would happen if I actually moved things forward.

Now I move things forward as early as possible, I get my answers as early as possible, and my dating life is better than ever.

I encourage you to do the same.

Take care out there.




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